'Texas Son' Prickly Pear Cactus

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The heartwarming tale of this sacred oak tree is a bittersweet symphony of love, loss, and legacy.

Planted on the family ranch by the grandfather, this beautiful oak tree grew tall and strong, a silent sentinel standing watch over the ever-changing landscape of family life. As the oak tree's roots delved deep into the earth, so too did the roots of love and connection, nourished by the laughter of generations and the whispers of shared dreams. As it weathered the trials of life alongside the family, it became more than just a tree—it had been woven into the fabric of their lives and memories.

When the grandfather passed away, his spirit remained alive in the rustle of leaves and the dappled sunlight filtering through the branches—a comforting presence that whispered of cherished moments shared and lessons learned. And when the grandson followed him all too soon into the great beyond, leaving behind a legacy of love that echoed in the hearts of all who knew him, the oak tree stood as a symbol of love and remembrance—a beacon of light in the darkness of grief.

When the tree succumbed to drought and insect colonies, I was given the high honor of breathing new life into this beautiful old oak. With the creation of the prickly pear, it was my intention to transform the wood of this beloved tree into a timeless piece of art that will stand as a testament to the enduring power of love and the beauty that blossoms from shared memories.

As the sculpture finds its place in the heart of their home, my hope is that it becomes more than just a piece of wood—it becomes a touchstone for love, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. Crafted with intention indeed—crafted with love, reverence, and the deepest respect for the bonds that tie us together across time and space.

Made custom from beautifully figured heirloom Texas red oak with gold resin inlay on a West Texas mesquite base.


In our shop, we use completely VOC-free oils or hard-wax hand-rubbed to finish our products. All of our finishes are safe for humans and the environment alike. The finishes we use are FDA compliant for food contact surfaces and include a mix of mineral oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, vitamin E, & waxes such as carnauba or beeswax.

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  • Oak trees, famed for their endurance and longevity, remind us of our inner strength & integrity as we reconnect with our divine nature.

    Oak leaves are some of the last leaves to fall from the trees in autumn, and some species of oak trees do not lose their leaves at all. Ancient people viewed this as a positive quality—the leaves were being tenacious, demonstrating determination and a no-quit attitude. These were the same qualities that they wanted to see in their military. For this reason, oak leaves came to symbolize victory in battle. Roman generals were presented with wreaths made of oak leaves after important battles.

  • Mesquite is said to bring about perspective. While many consider the mesquite an invasive weed, for centuries it was a vital asset for resourceful indigenous people.

    Long before the first Anglo settlers came to Texas, Native Americans used mesquite in its entirety, seeing it as an integral part of their culture & survival. The wood and fibers were used to make shelter, tools, weapons, and kindling. They made sewing and tattoo needles from the thorns and used the inner bark to make baskets, nets, rope, & fabric. Due to its reliability, even during years of drought, the mesquite bean was a valuable commodity that was directly eaten or ground into flour. Even the gum was used as a glue, dye, or used in water-proofing baskets or nets.

  • Gold holds significant spiritual symbolism across various cultures and religions globally. It's commonly linked with the divine, embodying spiritual enlightenment and metamorphosis. Many spiritual doctrines regard gold as a token of purity, enlightenment, & spiritual elevation.

    Furthermore, gold is intertwined with the sun, a potent emblem of vitality and existence. Across diverse cultures, gold is believed to mirror the life-sustaining essence of the sun, symbolizing spiritual evolution, change, and revitalization.