Ebonized Quilted Maple Altar

1 available

Made from stunningly quilted + chatoyant quilted maple with ebonized bottom.

 1 3/8“h x 8“w            

NOTE: Never leave burning incense unattended. Incense left burning can cause fires and put you and your home in danger.


In our shop, we use completely VOC-free oils or hard-wax hand-rubbed to finish our products. All of our finishes are safe for humans and the environment alike. The finishes we use are FDA compliant for food contact surfaces and include a mix of mineral oil, coconut oil, walnut oil, vitamin E, & waxes such as carnauba or beeswax.

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  • The maple was one of the only sources of sugar for the native peoples & as such, it was seen as a gift from the creator. While the maple is a gift, the native tales are clear that this gift takes work.

    The majority of maple trees are considered “pioneer species” meaning they are hardy enough to persevere. They are able to repopulate damaged and disrupted ecosystems because they have the ability to adapt to many different soil types & climates.

  • Quilted is a type of figuring named for its resemblance to patchwork patterns seen on fabric quilts. Experts believe the pattern is caused by a mixture of genetics and growing conditions. More specifically, it’s seen only in parts of the tree which grew at an angle.

  • The term derives from the French word “chatoyer”, which means “to iridesce, like a cat’s eye.” If you’ve ever seen the stone tiger’s eye, you get the idea. In woodworking, chatoyance is a similarly striking optical quality in which areas of light and dark grain seemingly shimmer or shift depending on the angle of view.

  • Ebonizing wood is an old-world technique that was used to preserve the grain of the wood. The classic method to darken the wood is based on a chemical reaction between iron acetate and the natural wood tannins which produces a dark stain. A more modern technique to “ebonize” is to use India Ink to completely dye the grain a deep, rich black.